Wollaton Arts Artists


The Wollaton Art Space has been running since May 2019. We exhibit local artists in the community room at the Wollaton Library. Each exhibition begins with a launch on the Saturday morning, and runs for 5/6 weeks. Some of our artists have exhibited in the Wollaton Arts Festival Art in Shop window event using the shops on Bramcote Lane to create an arts trail for the community.

Janet Wooton
Janet WootonArtist
Julian Nelson
Julian NelsonArtistj.nielacny@outlook.com
Janine Swarbrick
Janine SwarbrickArtist
Notts Book Art
Notts Book ArtArtist
Shelley Hawley
Shelley HawleyShelley.hawley@hotmail.co.uk
Martin Leighton
Martin LeightonPhotographer
Kay Power
Kay PowerArtist
Neil Smith
Neil SmithArtist
Beeston Camera Club
Beeston Camera ClubPhotographers

Become a member

If you'd like to join us here at Wollaton Arts and would like to become a member of our group simply drop us an email to find out more.